Inquiry Packets - when your customers send for more information, have this prepped to make the sale
In the world of instantaneous information, how you first appear is very important, but if you don’t have the power to back up your initial sales pitch, it’s over before it ever begins for your business.
That’s why INQUIRY PACKETS are an absolutely essential component of any successful advertising campaign. Words matter. Images matter. But the HOW you put the information about your company together matters most of all!
Simply put, they are folders of your Dynamite Copy that you send to people who are interested in acquiring more information about your products and services.
It is best to Include:
•A Biography page telling who you are and how your company came to be. Highlight your accomplishments and make this part personal for your client. This is your opportunity to connect in a real way with your prospect that makes he/she feel a part of your company’s family.
•Your client List. Emphasize your breadth and experience by drawing attention to other clients you work with and who trust your business.
•Articles about your company. This is a great way to show off the publicity your company has received to new prospects. It makes you a safe and secure choice if they feel you are known for your product and service. It builds trust.
•A Sales Letter. Anticipate your client’s needs and provide a solution to their problems with your products and services.
•A Case Study demonstrating your effectiveness and why your products are superior to those of your competitors.
•A Price List. This removes any mystery or worry about your pricing models.
•A Form that your prospect can easily use to order by mail. This is essential to make your client want to place an order without unnecessary delays.
Cast a wide net to prospects who want to learn more about your services. Be specific with details about your company and give your client a rundown of exactly what you offer, why you are better than any other, and exactly what it will cost.
Customize your INQUIRY PACKETS to maximize your reach and secure new clients. This is the most Comprehensive Package used to WOW your customer. This is the time to put it all on the table and make a very clear and direct pitch about why your company is best, and why you are the only logical choice for your customer!
That’s why INQUIRY PACKETS are an absolutely essential component of any successful advertising campaign. Words matter. Images matter. But the HOW you put the information about your company together matters most of all!
Simply put, they are folders of your Dynamite Copy that you send to people who are interested in acquiring more information about your products and services.
It is best to Include:
•A Biography page telling who you are and how your company came to be. Highlight your accomplishments and make this part personal for your client. This is your opportunity to connect in a real way with your prospect that makes he/she feel a part of your company’s family.
•Your client List. Emphasize your breadth and experience by drawing attention to other clients you work with and who trust your business.
•Articles about your company. This is a great way to show off the publicity your company has received to new prospects. It makes you a safe and secure choice if they feel you are known for your product and service. It builds trust.
•A Sales Letter. Anticipate your client’s needs and provide a solution to their problems with your products and services.
•A Case Study demonstrating your effectiveness and why your products are superior to those of your competitors.
•A Price List. This removes any mystery or worry about your pricing models.
•A Form that your prospect can easily use to order by mail. This is essential to make your client want to place an order without unnecessary delays.
Cast a wide net to prospects who want to learn more about your services. Be specific with details about your company and give your client a rundown of exactly what you offer, why you are better than any other, and exactly what it will cost.
Customize your INQUIRY PACKETS to maximize your reach and secure new clients. This is the most Comprehensive Package used to WOW your customer. This is the time to put it all on the table and make a very clear and direct pitch about why your company is best, and why you are the only logical choice for your customer!