Manuals - Give the steps to success in using your products, services, or trainings
Have you ever had one-on-one help while you were in the process of learning or when using something you never used before?
Maybe you had someone to help you. Maybe a great teacher, close friend, or even a kindly neighbor.
Well, whoever it was that helped you, it made the learning experience a LOT easier, didn't it?
Then let me tell you, there is no help like KNOWLEDGEABLE help.
But, if you don't have the hands-on help right there beside you, that's when you reach
for a well written manual.
Manuals -- an ever present help.
Webster's New World Dictionary describes manuals as: "A handy book of facts,
instruction, etc. for use as a guide, reference, or the like; handbook."
Manuals have been around for generations. They came with your grandmother's first automatic washing machine and your grandfather's Massey Ferguson tractor.
And with today's ever increasing technology in everything from toasters to jet engines, manuals for your users are a MUST HAVE.
Case an point:
Your company manufactures a new and dynamic home sound system.
You'll need TECHNICAL DIRECTIONS for your product that will be stated and shown clearly enough that your customers can easily install and operate the system correctly.
Or you are the head of a large corporation.
You need EMPLOYEE MANUALS for each of your employees so they can
be up to date on company policies and procedures.
Perhaps your enterprise is engineering and selling computers.
A well written TROUBLESHOOTING guide that comes with the purchase is
always appreciated.
And the beat goes on.
The Need?
The need for manuals will NEVER become obsolete as new and improved products are always being turned out every day of every year to millions of enthusiastic consumers.
And as a business owner, YOU will want your customers to have the optimum experience with YOUR product so they will, potentially, be repeat customers -- the BEST kind of customers!
And not only repeat customers, but customers who tell ALL their friends!
For that reason...
Own your own customized Manual -- be it for Appliances, Automobiles, Electronics,Troubleshooting, Technical Directions, or for Employee Handbooks --
Is a NECESSITY for the SUCCESS of your business.
Do your employees need a training guide?
Or your customers a service/trouble shooting guide to help them if they have issues with your product?
Maybe you had someone to help you. Maybe a great teacher, close friend, or even a kindly neighbor.
Well, whoever it was that helped you, it made the learning experience a LOT easier, didn't it?
Then let me tell you, there is no help like KNOWLEDGEABLE help.
But, if you don't have the hands-on help right there beside you, that's when you reach
for a well written manual.
Manuals -- an ever present help.
Webster's New World Dictionary describes manuals as: "A handy book of facts,
instruction, etc. for use as a guide, reference, or the like; handbook."
Manuals have been around for generations. They came with your grandmother's first automatic washing machine and your grandfather's Massey Ferguson tractor.
And with today's ever increasing technology in everything from toasters to jet engines, manuals for your users are a MUST HAVE.
Case an point:
Your company manufactures a new and dynamic home sound system.
You'll need TECHNICAL DIRECTIONS for your product that will be stated and shown clearly enough that your customers can easily install and operate the system correctly.
Or you are the head of a large corporation.
You need EMPLOYEE MANUALS for each of your employees so they can
be up to date on company policies and procedures.
Perhaps your enterprise is engineering and selling computers.
A well written TROUBLESHOOTING guide that comes with the purchase is
always appreciated.
And the beat goes on.
The Need?
The need for manuals will NEVER become obsolete as new and improved products are always being turned out every day of every year to millions of enthusiastic consumers.
And as a business owner, YOU will want your customers to have the optimum experience with YOUR product so they will, potentially, be repeat customers -- the BEST kind of customers!
And not only repeat customers, but customers who tell ALL their friends!
For that reason...
Own your own customized Manual -- be it for Appliances, Automobiles, Electronics,Troubleshooting, Technical Directions, or for Employee Handbooks --
Is a NECESSITY for the SUCCESS of your business.
Do your employees need a training guide?
Or your customers a service/trouble shooting guide to help them if they have issues with your product?